QR code scanner?

Dear all,
I was wondering if someone had any experience with a scanner connected to the PC that would use the QR code functionality.

The one listed on the documentation (Honeywell 1902G-BF) seems to be superceded by a newer model that costs about 700 Euros…
Many thanks,

Dear Ulrich, you might want to contact Matthias (@matthias.roesslein ). Several labs in his department are using barcode scanners.

Dear Simone,

great, many thanks - we could recently test the Inateck BCST-50 that also seems to work.

All the best

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You will be glad to know that we just finishing implementing:

  1. QR Code Scanner with Video Camera to be used from mobile from all parts of the UI that accepted QR code scanning before.
  2. We improved the RQ Code scanning UI.
  3. We improved the UI to be used from mobile phones and tablets, to make them a viable option to use with ELN-LIMS and as RQ Code scanners.

Sadly this didn’t make it on time for the current openBIS release but should come on the next one.


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Dear Juan,

great, many thanks, this will help our use-case immensely.
Thank you for dedicating developer ressources to this.

best wishes