Typescript support for JS v3 API

I am importing the v3 API like it is described here.

I want to add Typescript support for my IDE. Where do I find the esm.d.ts file?

I can not compile the typescript module from gitlab.

Should I wait for the next version of Openbis?

Best regards,

Benedikt Schwab

Please checkout our new documentation: Java / Javascript (V3 API) - openBIS V3 API — Python documentation

Please use the early access release: Download Early Access Release - openbis - Confluence

Hope this helps.

Thanks Juan,
a small notice: The JS / TS API is not included in this distribution. You might want to add it there.
I would be great if you could relase all the Java artifacts on Maven Central and the TS/JS artifacts of NPM. This could be automated as part of the CI/CD process and would be very useful for all developers.


Piotr indicates me that a build of master branch contains:

// Require JS bundle (needs RequireJS but generates only 1 request as it contains all DTOs and the facade)
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff  1459158 12 mar 15:49 openbis.bundle.js
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff  1154862 12 mar 15:49 openbis.bundle.min.js

// ESM (ES6) bundle (useful for modern applications like adminUI)
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff   970377 12 mar 15:49 openbis.esm.js
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff      221 12 mar 15:49 openbis.esm.js.LICENSE.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff  2924672 12 mar 15:49 openbis.esm.js.map

// TypeScript declaration file for ESM bundle (contains type definitions TypeScript understands)
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff  1007599 12 mar 15:49 openbis.esm.d.ts

// VAR bundle (pure JS bundle assigned to window.openbis - useful for older applications like ELN)
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff   970355 12 mar 15:49 openbis.var.js
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff      221 12 mar 15:49 openbis.var.js.LICENSE.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 pkupczyk  staff  2931755 12 mar 15:49 openbis.var.js.map

In other words, everything you need is already served by the openBIS AS. On the same folder where the older openbis.js was, and you can just load it. This ensures that webapps are loading libraries that are compatible with the server.


Thank you @juanf . It’s my mistake, I assumed the .TS file and the bundle would also be released with the other APIs. If it’s not the case, however I still think it would be very useful for integration developers to download only the APIs.
Likewise it would be great if the various API clients were available through the various repositories (maven central, npm, pypy).

Edit: after today’s openBIS community event, Juan said that in the next few months the various APIs will be released through one of the public repositories.


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