Representation of Properties of Datatype Object in List View

Dear openBIS team,
In the form view of an entity with a Property of datatype Object, the Property is shown as the path and the code of the referenced Object followed by its $NAME (if existent) in parentheses (e.g., Path/Code (Jon Doe):

However, in the Collection list view, only the Permid of the referenced Object is shown in the respective column which is not very human-readable:

The same is true for the Excel export of the table. Would you consider adjusting the representation of the list view to also show the path + code + $NAME?

I also realized this issue and agree with Rukeia, that this would be useful.

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I agree. This is already in our to-do list. We did not manage to include this in the upcoming release, we will try to include this in the one after.


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