PYBIS 1.37.2 - Problems with Spreadsheet decoding

Dear PyBIS-developer,

I stumbled about some changes in the pybis module since one of the last updates:

I really appreciate that you are striving to simplify the handling of spreadsheets by integrating decoding and JSON handling and outputting a dict directly.

However, many objects can no longer be loaded via

# for example
sample = o.get_object("20250221115502283-49917") 

as soon as there is content in the spreadsheet or the content contains special characters that are not recognized by utf-8.

    101 def to_spreadsheet(self, rawValue):
    102     b64 = rawValue[len("<DATA>"):-len("</DATA>")]
--> 103     json_str = base64.b64decode(b64).decode('utf-8')
    104     result = json.loads(json_str)
    105     return Spreadsheet.from_dict(result)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xdf in position 2376: invalid continuation byte

If German umlauts, ß or ° occur, the decoding fails.
In the previous versions I was able to adjust the character set:

json_str = base64.b64decode(coded_string).decode("latin-1")
data_dict = json.loads(json_str)

But now I can’t even load the object in its entirety.
And that affects a lot of existing objects. At the same time, I can’t convince users to design spreadsheets without using ° or umlauts (ä,ö,ü)…

I would be happy if you could provide a solution for this in future updates.


Dear Volker,

Could you send me an example data that breaks on your side? Utf-8 handles German characters without any issues - I tested spreadsheet decoding in pybis beforehand but I may have missed something.

On the other side - which version of Openbis are you using?

Adam Laskowski

Hi Adam,

There is no need for example data. I created a blank sample of “Experimental Step” which I can load via PyBIS. The spreadsheet value is empty at that point.
When I put characters to A1, it still loads fine until that char is either ‘ä’, ‘ö’…

But, as you asked, we are still running openBIS 20.10.8.


Hi Adam,

tried it with openBIS 20.10.11 and it is still the same…
