Possible bug when creating parent relationships using the Dropbox feature

Dear all,

I am experiencing a problem when trying to set the parent dataset of the dataset that I am trying to upload to the ELN using the Dropbox feature (its a dropbox developed by me, using the code provided).

The code is executed correctly until the end, but the error appears after it finishes, and the system tries to register the new dataset on the ELN. Digging into the log files, I discovered this error:

So I suppose that the problem is in the dataset that is already present in the database that I am trying to set as the parent-dataset, and not with the new dataset that I am uploading, and that is the reason that I got no error on the dropbox monitor, but instead of this, it seems to be block on “running” state forever (I can still use the dropbox with new files, but the “running” state never disappears.

Since this is nothing that I can solve apparently from my dropbox code, I think that maybe this could be a bug at parent-relationship level, but I am not sure. What else can I do to fix this error?

Thank you very much!
Carlos M.

Dear Carlos,

Please open a support ticket and provide us your dropbox code, as you can imagine this use case is so common that I hope is not a problem.
