Default roles when creating users?

Dear all,

I wonder if/how it is possible to create default roles for the various spaces when adding a new user?
There are some spaces (e.g. in the global inventory) where the users should not just add stuff but tell an admin (e.g. equipment, etc), and then there are spaces where they can add things as well (e.g. common protocols).

may thanks

Dear Ulrich,

You should have a look at our documentations for automatic user management:

This is what we use in production, so users are automatically created, their spaces too and roles to their own and common spaces assigned.

In practice to be able to take advantage of this you need to have a multi group setup. No one stops you from having a multi group setup with a single group.

And if your organisation doesn’t have an LDAP server you could also have your own or add users to the file authentication. If you plan to manage multiple severs I would probably have use my own or my organisation LDAP.


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Dear @juanf

great, many thanks.
I’ll try to find out how the University SSO works, not sure we have much of an AD or LDAP at the institute as everyone has local accounts.

Many thanks